When looking to improve the look of your yard, you must also take into consideration another member of you family – your pet. ‘Petscaping,’ or landscaping for your pet, accomplishes this and is used to accommodate your pets outdoors and is used widely to help pet owners responsibly landscape their grounds for their pets. There are a few features you should consider when planning your new landscaping: by including these, you can ensure that you will have a happy pet and the landscaping you want. [Read more…]
Improving Your Pets’ Lives Through Landscaping
Home Lighting: Appeal and Security
So, you just spent money to create the most spectacular landscape around your garden. But what happens at night when it gets dark and that work of art can no longer be appreciated? The best way to overcome this problem is through landscape lighting. Landscape lighting is not just for aesthetics, but helps your home be more secure as well without a high cost. [Read more…]
Estate Management: The Importance of Seasonal Care
Large homes and estates provide a great number of options and opportunities to those who own them, but also a lot of responsibility. Large estates are often marked out by the sheer amount of property the estate covers, meaning acres of lawns, gardens, hardscape, and plants to maintain and care for. Landscape professional services are commonly known as Estate Management that offers comprehensive landscaping care, consultation, and installation year-round. One of these aspects is the idea of seasonal care – the importance of changing landscaping needs to match the seasons and make sure your estate looks its best year-round. [Read more…]
Easy Summer Watering: By Hand, Sprinklers, and Drip Feeds
Here in New England, while winters are cold and wet, summers are often hot and dry. Your lawn and gardens go from fun activities to daily slogs to make sure your plants don’t dry out. Between rising water bills and droughts, it’s not just about the effort, but also about the money. Between rising utility bills, water scarcity, and sheer effort: it’s time to make summer watering easier by doing it smarter. From picking the right time of day to the type of installations that make water hands-free, here are some easy summer watering tips to keep your plants and lawn healthy and green throughout this season. [Read more…]
Swimming Pool Patio: Extending Your Outdoor Living Space
A swimming pool isn’t a status symbol: it’s something homeowners use. It’s an extension of their living space from inside the home into their backyard: a place they use in activities. Especially during the peak temperatures of summer, a swimming pool is somewhere where family members and friends of all ages congregate to have fun. For some this will be swimming, but for others this will also be lounging, cooking, eating, or just getting their feet wet. By expanding this area around the pool, you can increase the enjoyment and use of your backyard and pool for yourself and the people with you. Today we look at swimming pool patio installations. [Read more…]
Landscaping to Raise Curb Appeal Before Selling Your Home
On multiple levels, selling a home is never easy. The preparations, the agents, the listing, and the constant stream of window shoppers and negotiations all add up. One of the biggest strains is the difference between what you think your home is worth, and what others are willing to pay for it. One way to help both bridge that gap and have more people interested in your home is enhancing its curb appeal: the first impression people get when they see your home from the street. And one of the best ways to raise curb appeal before selling your home is through landscaping. [Read more…]
Lawn Damaging Pests in Spring
Eventually, even in New England, spring comes. With that, your lawn will go from its dormant state to spring growth. This time of frantic growth isn’t just limited to your yards: Spring is also a time for when insects come out of hibernation with an appetite. These critters can quickly cause discoloration and dead patches on lawns, and if left unchecked can completely devastate its health. Today we’re looking at lawn damaging pests in spring and how to determine if you have them and which kind they are. [Read more…]
Paver Driveway vs Asphalt Driveway: Who Wins?
When it comes to picking a new driveway, you’ve got options. However, we’re going to put away concrete and gravel and look at the two major sides of the spectrum: asphalt and pavers. One is a tried and true driveway material that will have existed in at least one home you’ve bought or rented over the years, the other is an intriguing option with some special benefits. Below are the three things to keep in mind when you’re making the decision and talking to your driveway contractor about your options. [Read more…]
Troubleshooting and Replacing Winter Damaged Irrigation
Winter can be hard on your sprinklers and other below-ground irrigation. If your irrigation systems didn’t receive winterization in the form of a manual drain, automatic drain, or a blowout, it could cause permanent damage. As we mentioned in a previous blog, “How To: Preparing Sprinklers for Winter,” the water left in the system can expand while it freezes, cause pipes to leak or completely break after the thaw. Between this and other winter hazards, you can find yourself come the thaw with a system that can no longer do its job. Today we’re looking at options for troubleshooting and replacing winter damaged irrigation, and when to call the experts in. [Read more…]
Tips for Storing Mulch, Topsoil, and Compost
When it comes to landscaping materials, it’s hard to have too much of a good thing. Whether you’re a contractor stockpiling supplies for multiple projects and storing it at a worksite until it’s needed, or a homeowner who ended up having significantly more than you bargained for: properly storing mulch, topsoil, and compost will allow you to reuse the material at a later time. This is important because leaving these material exposed to the elements can lead to damage or decay of the material, costing you money and requiring disposal of the useless supplies. [Read more…]