Chemical-Free Yard Care

Children and puppy on lawnIndividuals can play an important role in decreasing the chemical contamination by using natural landscaping supplies. Avoiding chemical fertilizers can be beneficial for the environment and protecting one’s family, all while creating an outdoor space that looks and feels fresh and beautiful. [Read more…]

Now Renting: Apartment Landscaping for Curb Appeal

New modern apartments with landscapingAccording to a study by New York University’s Furman Center, the “number of renters in Boston has risen rapidly in recent years, while the number of available rental units has dropped”. It is now more important than ever, with the increased number of people looking to rent, to make your property stick out in the eyes of renters. How are you supposed to do that? Simply stated, with a little bit of curb appeal. What is curb appeal? Curb appeal is the process of beautifying ones property in the front of the house to attract renters to rent. [Read more…]

Seasonal Garden Planning

Greener Horizon, Middleborough, MAThe spring planting season is currently in full effect and for the many avid gardeners out there you may have already started the garden planning process. Proper gardening can help improve the atmosphere of any backyard or business front. [Read more…]

Landscape Architecture: Summer Hardscapes

Greener Horizon, Middleborough, MAThe warm weather is finally here, and if you are like many people, you are beginning to clean up your lawn. You may even be looking to make improvements to your property involving landscape architecture, including new walkways, patios, or walls. If this is something you’ve considered for your lawn, you are not alone! Hardscaping can make any yard or property look like a million dollars.   [Read more…]

Landscaping Fabric: What You Should Know

Black landscaping FabricStruggling to get your garden looking how you envisioned it? Landscaping fabric can be an alternative option towards helping your garden flourish and grow wonderfully. The technology in landscaping fabric will provide your plants with the base for an environment which will require little to no weeding, meaning less maintenance for those part-time gardeners. While landscaping fabric presents a solution to a chore we all hate, the fabric should only be used in certain situations to get the best results. [Read more…]

Good Dirt: Choosing Potting Soil for Your Garden

Close up of seedlings sprouting in dark soil. You can spend hundreds or thousands of dollars creating your dream garden, but if you are not using the correct potting soil and fertilizer, those brand new flowers and plants will not receive the minerals and nutrients they need to flourish. There are many different types of potting soils available on the market today, but knowing which ones are the best for the job does not always come easy. Learning what to look for in potting soil is the first step a gardener should take before getting their hands dirty. [Read more…]

Landscaping Mulches: The Basics

Hand with gardening glove holding brown mulch. Spring is a critical time for planting, from a simple backyard garden to a full-scale landscaping project. Part of spring is both fueling growth while also protecting the plants from sudden changes in temperature, moisture, and pests. The use of mulches to cover your soil and seeds not only makes for an appealing garden, but a healthy one to. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your gardening commercial, read on to learn about the benefits of a solid garden mulch. [Read more…]

How Building Retaining Walls Can Save Your Backyard

An example of a simple drystone retaining wall with base and filler.

An example of a simple drystone retaining wall with base and filler.

A natural occurrence can cause some serious damage to any landscape. Things like soil erosion, uneven landscape, and even lawn aesthetics can have people asking question on what they should do. One popular solution is building retaining walls in your yard, and this can solve several problems at once. Retaining walls are used to hold back excess soil in areas of extreme elevation change. Walls can also be used to create flowerbeds and add a more aesthetic finish to any yard. When looking to introduce a new retaining wall to a yard it is important to know the basics so that you are not left with an unsubstantial wall. [Read more…]

Beautiful Backyard Features to Increase Your Home’s Value

Terracotta four tier water fountain in garden with running waterYour backyard should be a paradise, a place for you to relax with your friends and family. There are many great features that you can add to your yard to make it your own, whether you desire something social or serene. Here are a couple of examples to beautify your backyard landscape! [Read more…]

Beautifying Your Parking Lot

image of a parking lotWhen someone first arrives at your business or facility, one of the first things they see is the parking lot. First impressions matter a lot, especially in business. When someone pulls into you parking lot, they immediately, if not subconsciously, begin assessing the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your business, beginning with your parking lot.

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