Lawn Care

At Greener Horizon, we know the work it takes to keep your lawn green, lush and healthy. Our professionals are licensed technicians in Massachusetts and Rhode Island and are here to take care of your lawn care needs year-round. We take the proper steps throughout the spring, summer, and fall to make sure your lawn is ready to take on the elements in each season.

Seasonal Steps to a Healthy Lawn

Early Spring #1: A fertilizer application will help your lawn “wake up” from a long winter slumber, promoting strong growth in the warm season. A pre-emergent crabgrass control is applied to all areas at risk for crabgrass invasion, and broadleaf weeds are treated as needed.

Late Spring #2: A gradual release fertilizer is application helps to maintain vigorous growth and good color throughout the season. Broadleaf weeds like dandelions and clover are treated this time of year.

Early Summer #3: As temperatures warm, we switch to a slower release fertilizer that is designed to help your lawn prepare for the summer heat and minimal rainfall. Broadleaf weeds are treated selectively, and grub control is applied.

Early Fall #4: Believe it or not, your lawn grows best in the fall. A quick release fertilizer promotes rapid root, and top growth helps to maximize recovery from summer stresses. Weeds are also controlled as needed.

Late Fall #5: As the weather cools, it is important to strengthen your lawn for the coming winter. Further fertilizer applications help to encourage strong root development. Lime treatments help to restore proper pH balance to the lawn.

Other Lawn Care Solutions

Grub Control: Grubs are one of the most troubling insects to turf in the Northeast. We apply a preventative product before the grubs begin feeding in late summer. This service will help your lawn stay healthy and free from grub damage.

Lime Treatments: Proper soil pH is one of the most important parts of establishing a healthy lawn. Balancing soil pH will improve fertilizer use, prevent thatch build-up, and improve weed control.

Aeration: Over time, it is not uncommon for the top four inches of soil to become compacted, making it difficult for water and nutrients to permeate the soil. Aerating keeps soil from compacting, allowing water and nutrients to reach the roots of the grass. It also helps to enhance the oxygen levels in the soil, stimulating root growth.

Overseeding: Bare lawns with visible soil are not visually appealing, and can be detrimental to the health of the lawn. Overseeding, when paired with aeration, is the key to a achieving a thick, healthy lawn. The goal of overseeding is to get the lawn so thick that you cannot see any soil. This will ensure a healthy green lawn and will prevent weeds and other pests from ruining the grass.

Your newly installed hydroseed or sod need the proper after-installation care in order to thrive. Download our sod and hydroseed care guides below!

We offer seasonal grounds management to take care of your lawn and other property needs year-round. We also specialize in athletic field construction and offer tick control treatments.

For more information about lawn care services, contact us, or click the button below to request a complimentary consultation.