Using the right fertilizer can go a long way for a beautiful and healthy landscape. Greener Horizon has the expertise to inspect and care for your landscape with the right fertilizers year-round. You might be sitting there wondering – what does it even matter to have the right fertilizer? Even more goes into fertilizer than you might think. It matters what type of grass you have, the timing of use and of course the right kind of fertilizer to go with. The seasons in New England can be very tricky, so making sure to lay down the right fertilizers to grow strong healthy grass can take quite some effort. [Read more…]
Having the Right Lawn Fertilizer for the Season
All about Grass: How to Get the Perfect Lawn
Having the best yard on the block is an accomplishment that most homeowners strive for. Unfortunately, it is a lot easier said than done. For most, growing your lawn the perfect shade of green and the ideal length can seem almost impossible. Yet there are still those homeowners who are actually able to achieve these desirable lawn qualities, but how? The contributing factors to a great lawn mainly have to do with the type of grass seed chosen and the maintenance of the lawn.
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Identifying Different Types of Weeds in Your Lawn
In order to keep a pristine lawn, you are going to need to familiarize yourself with the most common types of weeds so you can know how to best get rid of them. [Read more…]